Posts tagged ‘mailed coupons ‘

Personalized Coupons – I Love You Too, Kroger

A pretty envelope featuring pink and red heart-shaped cookies was delivered the other day. “Personalized savings just for you” boasts on its front, in bold red letters. Great! Who doesn’t like free personalized coupons brought at the front door? A short (and sweet) message from the president of Kroger Atlanta explains the purpose of these coupons: Kroger wants us to be its Valentine.

Every once in a while, Kroger sends a booklet of “personalized coupons”. When going through the list however, I can’t help but wonder if someone actually sat down, looked at the items I usually purchase, then selected these coupons just for me. Because if this is actually the case, this person is probably overworked, overtired, and still suffering from a hangover. Unless, of course, ”personalized” means anybody who 1. still lives and 2. shops at Kroger. Sadly, though, the second condition could not possibly apply because these coupons were delivered in James’ name, yet we have not used James’ Kroger card in about 10 months. 

Every single purchase that we make is recorded on that shopper’s card. Whoever can see that list knows more of the stuff I buy at Kroger than James does! We have not been purchasing cat food in a few months, yet we have been purchasing baby food. We have started to purchase organic fruits and vegetables instead of the regular ones. We have replaced junk food with fresh fruits and vegetables.  I would expect that with all the software available today, a set of coupons that were actually personalized could easily be printed out and mailed. Why is this still not the case?

Nonetheless, these savings are greatly appreciated and we always use the coupon for Free eggs. So I guess I have to say it: Sure, Kroger, I will be your valentine.

Add a comment February 9, 2009






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